Here at Romanticus we aim to be a humble companion on the great adventure that is life and contribute to the renewal of society through that which touches the soul most directly, i.e. art, culture, humour and ideas. That which speaks to us personally, yet simultaneously transcends us.
Young adults are those with the greatest desire and greatest need for such meaning. At Romanticus Journal we cannot promise answers but do promise through our content to provoke an adventure of discovery. An adventure that, like our motto “Cum Anima et Mente” suggests, requires both heart and mind, unified in the search for truth.
Culture is never static and always evolves. Ideally every generation builds on that of one which preceded it. Yet in our modern world we’ve seemed to have broken away from this tradition. We have over a short space of time replaced continuity with novelty, and novelty with comfort and comfort with nihilism. Through this publication we hope to restore this relationship with tradition, a tradition that is not static or dead but rather is adaptable and living.
True Originality
We strive to promote an originality rooted in tradition. That which reunites us with our roots. Tradition and creativity by no means stand in opposition to one another, but rather are mutually dependent. With matters of art and culture, tradition without creativity is destined to remain in the past and creativity without tradition has no future.
Man is made to seek truth and is attracted to all things beautiful. This beauty (when properly understood) is never a barrier but rather an aid in the pursuit of truth. The Good, the True and the Beautiful are in essence the same. Each one conforms to the other.
Beauty comes in many forms, it can be encountered in our day-to-day lives and is a vital aid in our daily search for meaning. As Pope Benedict XVI said in his 2009 address to artists: “ beauty that is authentic, not merely transient or artificial, is by no means a supplementary or secondary factor in our search for meaning and happiness; the experience of beauty does not remove us from reality; on the contrary, it leads to a direct encounter with the daily reality of our lives, liberating it from darkness, transfiguring it, making it radiant and beautiful”.
True beauty is never subjective but rather objective. If something is beautiful, its beauty is self evident. One cannot be persuaded that something either is or is not beautiful, rather we acknowledge and appreciate beauty whenever we see it. Many young people have never or seldom encountered true transcendent beauty in their lives and are rather surrounded by a false deceitful counterfeit beauty which brings man down to the level of beasts and numbs our ability to recognise true beauty. Pursuing true beauty in this context of superficial nihilistic conformism is an act of rebellion, a rebellion against all that is false.
Fair Use Policy
Our website has an exclusively educational purpose and all copyright work featured within falls under standard fair use.
We understand the importance of accrediting Artists for their original and time-consuming work and always endeavour to do so wherever possible